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An Email Newsletter Service With A Difference

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Educate2Motivate (E2M) delivers digital marketing services to law firms in the area of Estate Planning, Family, Personal Injury and Consumer Bankruptcy Law.  We provide high quality newsletter content, sending, tracking, list management and automated reporting.  Features offered by the E2M service will enhance how your firm connects and engages with your clients, prospects and referral sources.


No Obligation, Complimentary
Consultation & Trial Offer

We can help you determine if this solution is a good fit for your firm.  Book a complimentary 15 minute phone call consultation by selecting a day and time convenient to your schedule.

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The E2M newsletter distinguishes itself from others with noteworthy, industry leading features that include:

  1. Newsletter design fully branded to your firm.
  2. Prepared newsletter content in your area of law; Fresh topics, professionally written on your behalf each month.
  3. Monthly delivery of your newsletter to your exclusive subscriber list (no other attorney can send our E2M newsletter to the same person).
  4. Subscriber list management allows your recipients to update their preferences and add others (refer a friend) to your list.
  5. Email alert notifications are instantly sent to your firm when subscribers want to receive a phone call or schedule an appointment.
  6. Tracking of articles read with complete details summarized in weekly automated reports.
  7. Firm news can be added to your monthly newsletter to enhance your firm's prepared content.
  8. Subscriber list building forms,  integrated within your web site.
  9. Embedded newsletters displayed within your web site.
  10. Instant access to prior issues within your web site.
  11. Optional web site page view tracking  of newsletter subscribers to measure their levels of interest and engagement.
  12. Special announcement mailings to your subscriber list.
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